
Lab resources:

Lab manual template generated in collaboration with eLife Ambassadors, this a fantastic resource to start a lab manual is forkable and freely available!

Guidelines Toward Inclusive Practices in Academics by eLife Community Ambassadors. Useful checklist-style guidelines to help scientists, mentors, funders, and journals to mitigate biases.

Our labs GitHub page.

Pleurodeles waltl genome:

Pleurodeles waltl genome assembly with our annotation here
Pleurodeles waltl genome assembly and RefSeq annotation are here

NOTE: RefSeq chose to annotate a haplotype assembly and thus there are differences in contiguity, annotation, and coordinates between these two references.

Axolotl single cell:

Check out regenerating axolotl limb single-cell RNAseq data here: single-cell data and the accompanying paper Leigh et. al 2018

Also, processed data can be found here and raw data here. For help with processing these data please see this GitHub page.

Other important resources:

BLAST against a Pleurodeles waltl de novo transcriptome on iNewt

Transcriptome and enrichment data from Bryant et al 2017. Genome resources, BLAST, datasets and other tools at Sal-site and axolotl-omics